Hi, I'm Dr. Michael Lewis

I am a Candidate for 1st Vice President in 2024

A Note From Michael

I am honored to be considered a candidate for the position of First Vice President in the American Society of Anesthesiologists for 2024. My determination to earn your support is unwavering, and I appreciate this opportunity.

Unique Perspective: To bring a fresh perspective to the table, I offer a unique position of not having served on the Executive Committee (EC). This allows me to take a broader, more global view of the pressing issues confronting our organization. Untainted by previous approaches and decisions, I bring a new and innovative mindset to address these challenges head-on.

Contested elections play a crucial role in the vitality and progress of organizations like ours. Therefore, I strongly advocate for critically evaluating our organization to identify areas for improvement. Proactively addressing issues such as reimbursement, burnout, workforce shortages, and the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape is imperative. Additionally, promoting diversity in terms of geography, practice patterns, professional and personal opportunities, opinions, and gender is not only essential within our specialty but also for the betterment of healthcare as a whole. By championing these values, we can create a more inclusive environment that benefits both our members and the patients we serve.

Leadership Effectiveness: This has been a defining aspect of my career trajectory. I have embraced the role of a 'Change Agent,' not only pushing for transformation but facilitating it in ways that are meaningful and lasting. This capacity to bring about change is evidenced in the myriad roles I have assumed and the diverse arenas where I have made an impact.

In the House of Delegates (HOD), I have found myself in the heart of discussions on contentious social issues. Instead of allowing these differences to fracture our organization, I steered conversations towards consensus, fostering unity and guiding our delegates towards a shared vision.

Furthermore, in my clinical practice, I confronted the challenge of a toxic operating room culture. With resilience and strategic action, we not only transformed this culture but also enhanced efficiency. A similar story unfolded at the distressed Department of Anesthesiology at Henry Ford, where we turned the tide and elevated the department to national prominence. In both instances, I emphasized the crucial role of financial management, asserting our department's control over our substantial budget, which contributed to strategic planning and investment decisions.

As part of the FSA, I have played a significant role in shifting our approach from merely adequate advocacy fundraising to a strategy that led us to win the Alabama Cup on multiple occasions. I have also been actively involved in introducing AAs with parallel efforts currently underway in Michigan.

My influence as a change agent even extends to my personal life. As the Board President of a near-bankrupt parochial school, I helped orchestrate a strategic turnaround, guiding the institution back to solvency.

The commitment to fostering change and my capacity to actualize it will enable me to continue driving meaningful transformations, further underscoring my suitability as a candidate.

My Philosophical Anchor: I am dedicated to fully embracing and advancing the practice of Anesthesiology, driven by the needs of our profession and, most importantly, the well-being of our patients. I am committed to serving our membership, elevating the value of our specialty, and continuously enhancing the quality of experience for our constituents.

Throughout my life, I have centered my approach around being an agent of positive change within the communities I have been a part of. I passionately believe in taking ownership of the change I seek to bring about. This mindset extends beyond my professional endeavors and encompasses my involvement in various philanthropic organizations, active participation in my faith community, and serving as the President of the Board of my children's parochial school. In these diverse settings, I have honed my skills in building consensus and fostering collaboration among individuals with differing opinions, all with the aim of achieving a shared purpose. Guided by a deep sense of responsibility for my own future, I have embraced the notion that it is vital to be present at the table of decision-making rather than becoming a passive participant. Through this proactive and engaged approach, I strive to contribute meaningfully and make a lasting impact.

Leadership Experiences: Allow me to highlight my extensive experiences in Anesthesiology, which exemplify my unwavering dedication and commitment to the profession. I earned my undergraduate and medical degrees from University College London and completed my anesthesia training in the UK. Later, I relocated to the United States to further advance my career in anesthesiology.

Throughout my professional journey, I have actively engaged in esteemed professional organizations representing Anesthesiology. These engagements have provided me with valuable insights and have allowed me to contribute to the advancement of our field. I have held numerous leadership positions, including serving as President of the Florida Society of Anesthesiologists, where I was awarded the Distinguished Service Award. Additionally, I have served as President of the Society for Advancement of Geriatric Anesthesia and President of the Israel Medical Association USA. Furthermore, I have undertaken the role of Section Chief for Subspecialties and have chaired various committees within the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA).

Many of you may already be acquainted with my active involvement in the House of Delegates, where I currently hold the positions of Chair of the Academic Caucus and Vice Chair of the Mid-West Caucus. Moreover, I proudly represent Academic Medicine on the ASA Board of Directors and hold the position of President in the SAAAPM, our national academic chair's group. As of September 2023, I will assume the role of President of the Michigan Society of Anesthesiologists, further underscoring my commitment to our profession. Additionally, I actively contribute as a member of the state Board of Medicine.

These leadership roles have been instrumental in broadening my perspective and nurturing my dedication to advancing the field of Anesthesiology. They have also provided me with invaluable experiences and a deep understanding of the challenges we face.

Professional advocacy has always been a central focus of my work, and I am honored to have received the prestigious Bertram W. Coffer, M.D. Excellence in Government Award from the ASA, recognizing my commitment in this area. Additionally, I have contributed my skills and expertise as the Secretary of the ASAPAC Board, actively participating in advocating for our profession. During my time in Florida, I led the state component in winning the Alabama Cup on multiple occasions, demonstrating my dedication to effective advocacy.

Throughout my career, I have gained a wealth of diverse leadership experiences that have profoundly shaped my professional journey. For instance, at the University of Miami, I held significant roles such as departmental Vice Chair, Chief of VA Anesthesia Services, and Program Director of the largest residency program in the country. The privilege of being elected by my peers to serve as Chair of the Medical School Faculty Council and Vice Speaker of the University Senate further enhanced my leadership capabilities. Moreover, I was entrusted by the Dean to serve as Senior Associate Dean for GME, where I gained valuable experiences in the realm of global medicine.

Comprehensive Understanding of Diversity of Practices: These leadership experiences have not only broadened my perspective but have also equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and challenges faced in our field.

This comprehensive experience has equipped me with a profound understanding of the challenges encountered by both private and academic practices. Notably, three hospitals under my supervision are staffed by faculty, while the remaining two are operated by robust independent private groups, harmoniously coordinated through a system anesthesia council. This unique vantage point has allowed me to appreciate and address the multifaceted issues impacting our profession from various perspectives.

In conclusion, my approach is rooted in transparency, servant leadership, and fostering engagement. I prioritize empathy, active listening, and creating a strong sense of community within our organization. Throughout my career, I have diligently nurtured meaningful professional relationships, collaborated effectively with other organizations, and secured necessary resources to advance the mission of our association.

I firmly believe that by working together, we can create a brighter future for our specialty and the patients we have the privilege to serve. As the election approaches, I urge you to thoughtfully consider the ideas and leadership styles of each candidate.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my candidacy. I am dedicated to earning the support of each member, and I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to share more of my ideas in the coming months. Should you have any questions or constructive comments, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected]. For additional information about my campaign, I invite you to watch my campaign video at https://youtu.be/2N1Y_9ggwkI.

Once again, thank you for your consideration, and I sincerely hope to earn your support.

Education & Experience


Harvard University is an educational institution that offers graduate, professional, and research programs in the fields of and public health.

Board Certifications

Harvard University is an educational institution that offers graduate, professional, and research programs in the fields of and public health.

Residencies & Internships

Harvard University is an educational institution that offers graduate, professional, and research programs in the fields of and public health.

Harvard University is an educational institution that offers graduate, professional, and research programs in the fields of and public health.

Columbia University is an educational institution that offers graduate, professional, and research programs in the fields of and public health.

Princeton University is an educational institution that offers graduate, professional, and research programs in the fields of and public health.

Harvard University is an educational institution that offers graduate, professional, and research programs in the fields of and public health.

Columbia University is an educational institution that offers graduate, professional, and research programs in the fields of and public health.

Columbia University is an educational institution that offers graduate, professional, and research programs in the fields of and public health.

Columbia University is an educational institution that offers graduate, professional, and research programs in the fields of and public health.

Awards & Honors

Harvard University is an educational institution that offers graduate, professional, and research programs in the fields of and public health.

Harvard University is an educational institution that offers graduate, professional, and research programs in the fields of and public health.

Harvard University is an educational institution that offers graduate, professional, and research programs in the fields of and public health.